
Monday, 8 September 2008


Hi all,

I'm back and totally relaxed after my trip away. Let's see if I can remember what I've been up to...

A most enjoyable evening out with our good friends Penny and Andrew. Thai food, good company and a table full of blind people and their doggies next to us.

Spent the next evening at hubby's brother's place. Had a fantastic time - as always. Dear I and L, I'm not writing this because I know you sometimes read my blog, I'm writing it because I always have the best time at your place. We drank too much, ate a delicious duck and played Buzz.

I found it interesting that my brother-in-law said he learned more from reading my blog than he previously knew about me. Hmmm, I thought he knew me pretty well already. Maybe it's because I find it easier to write down how I am feeling than talk face to face with people. When I write here, it's straight from brain to laptop. It's easier to stay on topic and get inside my head when I can write without interruption. Who knows really.

We stayed overnight at their place because we always drink too much to drive home when we stay there, hehe. The following morning,our hosts cooked a birthday breakfast (hubby's birthday). We ate bacon, eggs, toast, tomatoes and black pudding. Yum!

We headed to my Mum's place next. They had returned from their holiday to Samoa that very morning and looked as brown as Maoris. Dad showed off his photos and hubby and mum exchanged gifts. My hubby, mum and grandad all share the same birthday.

Next stop was hubby's parents place, followed by more gifts.

We spent a lovely week at Miranda Holiday Park; reading, doing crosswords, eating, drinking, shopping and soaking in the pool. Unfortunately, I pulled a muscle in my neck and spent a couple of days in quite a lot of pain but the red wine medicine kept me happy until the pain subsided.

That's all from me folks. Time to catch up on what you boys and girls have been up to.

Bye for now


Just 20 seconds worth of fuel remained when Apollo 11's lunar module landed on the moon.

The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows.

Elephants are the only animals that cannot jump.

Bet you're glad you visited me today, hehe!


  1. You were spotted whilst you were away! And photographed!!!! Come 'n see!

  2. I am so much prettier than she is Dickiebo.

    LMAO Steve. I hear amazing things can be done in 20 secs.

    I missed you Missy.

  3. sounds like you had fun!

    I've always maintained that a visit to your room is an education lol

  4. Hubby - I deleted your comment...not the kind of info I like to share with the world.


    Toadee - thanks
