
Wednesday, 1 April 2009


Dickiebo has given me a lemonade award. I was about to say generously gave but after reading his comment, I'm not sure if it was given our of generosity or pity, LOL!

I hate following instructions as I am easily distracted but I'll try my best.

1. Put the logo on your blog or post - Done.

2. Nominate at least 10 blogs, which show great attitude and/or gratitude!

3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post (I'm far too lazy to post links but you can see them on my sidebar) and let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog. *nods off*

4. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award. *wakes up again*

KB’s nominated Lemonade Award Winners are:-

Hubby - Cause he's my love
Missy - The big sis I always wanted
Toadee - A prince among toads
Muttars - Cause he drives me insane
Marja - She's sweeter than lemonade
Keith - A fellow piss head - I mean wine connoisseur
Dickiebo - A dawgs best friend
Morgy - The second best blonde in the world
D - Need my daily dose of vitamin D
G-Man - Keeps me on my...toes


  1. Thank you SO much! Lemonade eh! Is there a red wine award out there somewhere? If so I reckon we should qualify!

  2. I am eternally grateful, I trust it is a high quality brand of lemonade because one must maintain some standards.

  3. On your toes eh?
    Well....lets see em!!

    And thanks for the award Karen.
    You are such a sweet girl....G

  4. I'd like to say, "Ta ever so muchly, m'deario," but I daren't, as I'm not sure who I am talking to! So, "Thank you!"

  5. you are kind and sweet and I thank you for the award. As always, you are in my prayers and thiughts. Hugs from me to you Always, your Vitamin D...

  6. were insane years before I came on the scene.

  7. Mwah to all except Grumpy Pants xxx

  8. Mutters, you are a wise-ass. Americanism intended! Why is it so hard to accept that you are accepted? More weed is needed, methinks!

  9. Thanks dear I can be sour as lemonade too. One week to go and I am on the other side of the world
    I come close to your place. Our plane stops in Auckland (for two hours)

  10. Marja - Drop me an email. Maybe we could get together for a cuppa during your brief stay.

    Missy - Drink it up girl.

  11. Smart donkey eh? Maybe go easy on the medication...
