
Wednesday 16 July 2008


Dear Dickie has been giving me grief on his blog and suggesting I dye my hair. All over some perfectly innocent comment I made earlier *polishes halo*. As for the blonde jokes Dickie...I've heard them all. Hubby reckons that between my step-daughter and I, he has enough material to write a book on the subject.

I'm sure there is no need for me to point out my blonde moments. All you have to do is read my blog, I'm sure I slip up on here on a regular basis. Actually, I know I do cause I have the grammar police, spelling police, the retired police and Steve taking great pleasure in informing me when I do so. Sorry about that Steve, I didn't know which category, "Ya blonde or what!", would fall into. Taking the piss of blondes police?

Some of hubby's favourites from me are:

KB - It must have rained hard last night.

HUBBY - Why?

KB - There's too much river in the river.

Hubby - What's the weather like in NZ?

KB - There isn't any

Hubby - What do you mean?

KB - There isn't any weather at night silly

Sometimes I wonder if I come from another planet to be honest.

Here are a few recent examples of convos I've had with my youngest step-daughter.

H - Wow, those fruit are so big

KB - Yeah, I bought them at the big fruit shop... (dripping with sarcasm)

H - Cool, where's that then?

Oh dear!

We have one of those 3D pictures which were popular years ago up on a wall. H stared at it for a while.

H - You've had that pic for so long. Does it still look the same?

KB - Laughs ass off

We attended a Riobbie Williams concert a few years back (don't hold it against me) Duran Duran were the support act and of course Hayley had never heard of them. H has a beautiful singing voice and decided to sing along to Girls On Film. She belted out - Girls On Pills at the top of her voice, LMAO!

Aww bless her. Sometimes it surprises me she isn't my own flesh and blood. Here's a pic of her car license plate. I think it speaks for itself.

Love ya girl

I wonder what ever happened to Robbie?


  1. so many blonde moments must be heaven aye?

  2. Keeps people amused. Glad you likey.

  3. OK, KB. You win. I'm gonna dye MY hair! lol.

  4. Grrrrrrrr
    No sound card....

  5. I'll buy you one for Christmas hun

  6. Happy to oblige Missy dearest xxx

  7. Ah KB the thing is most people just don't understand your wicked sense of humour. Has nothing to do with your hair colour as you know. They must be blonde.
    And great that you went to Robby I love his music. I heard when his last album failed he got into a depression. Poor chap.

  8. Aww poor Robbie. I so happy you understnad my Blonde speak, Marja x
