
Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Teaser Tuesdays ~ Something Dangerous by Penny Vincenzi

Teaser Tuesdays is hosted by the lovely MizB of Should Be Reading.

Here's how it works...

Grab your latest read, open it up and share two sentences from the page. Easy as that. Don't forget to link back to MizB and share the title and author of your book so other's can add to their TBR (to be read) list if they wish.

Here's my teaser:

Kit was sudddenly very still: it was if a hot white light had flared in his head. The memories, the odd memories, making sense with each other and at last: LM saying 'your father must be so delighted...and Oliver too'; little Noni, looking at the photograohs of Sebastian, saying 'he looks like Kit, really exactly like'; the game at Christmas, Gordon Robinson's voice 'absolutely identical brains, the three of you.'

Have a great day/night and I'll see you tomorrow.
Happy reading,
Love KB

Monday, 30 May 2011

Weekend Walkabout ~ Fish And Chips At Eastern Beach

Welcome to Weekend Walkabout, a place to share and explore the different corners of our world.

Walkabout is a phrase which means to walk around and explore with no specific destination in mind. Have you been walkabout anywhere interesting this week? If so, post your story or pictures to your blog, leave a comment here and a link to your post on our Linky and Whitesnake or KB will come take a look. Don't forget to put a link to Weekend Walkabout so others can find us and join in the fun.

Weekend Walkabout

1. Milestones by Sheila  2. Kim  

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See you tomorrow
Love KB

Friday, 27 May 2011

Coco Sleeps In

If I had a bed like that, I'd probably spend all day in it too...

All is good with us.  Whitesnake has had the flu and the weather has been shocking so we've all been spending a lot of time indoors. Coco gets rather depressed and sulky when it's raining. She doesn't like to go outside and get her feet wet :) Here's hoping for some sunshine over the weekend to cheer us all up a bit.

Righto, I'm going to put my feet up for a while and watch Nine.

If you have a pic of pets or animals to share with Coco, post to your blog and leave a link and comment below.

Coco's Animal Antics

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You can see more of Coco's Animal Antics here.

Have a great weekend all
Love KB

P.S. Our recipe today is...Simply Delish Baked Fish

Thursday, 26 May 2011

No Angel ~ Penny Vincenzi

One of my goals this year is to read more books. You can read my reviews and learn where you can purchase any of the books I've read this year here...KB's Bookshelf.

Here's a bit of the blurb from the back cover....

From the Edwardian era, to the First World War and finally the outrageous glamour of the twenties, No Angel is a powerful story of divided loyalties, family politics and moral dilemas

This is the first book in a series of three. The characters are strong and the plot interesting. I love a girlie book which is set in war time. I find learning more about history through a novel much more interesting than reading a history book on the topic. I'm already over half way through the next book and it's fab.

Are you reading anything interesting besides my blog?

See you soon
Love KB

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Celebrating My Inner Geek

Today is Geek Pride Day. I used to be a geek at school. I wore huge National Health Specs, was always the last girl picked for sports teams and I could usually be found in the Music Department with my head stuck in a book. I was picked on at school by one girl in particular. I saw her a few years back when I was working at the Bank. She didn't recognise me. She had a bunch of kids hanging off her, she'd put on heaps of weight and looked like she was at least ten years older than me. Made me glad when I saw how she'd turned out that I hadn't been a 'popular kid'. I think I've turned out pretty well.

I've slowly grown out of my geek but I still hang out with my geeky self sometimes. I love to do puzzles, wear my much smaller glasses and watch episodes from my Buffy The Vampire Slayer Collection ( I have all seven seasons). Now I wear my geek with pride. How do you celebrate your inner geek?

Here's a list of the rights and responsibilities of being a geek:


1.The right to be even geekier.
2.The right to not leave your house.
3.The right to not like football or any other sport.
4.The right to associate with other nerds.
5.The right to have few friends (or none at all).
6.The right to have as many geeky friends as you want.
7.The right to be out of style.
8.The right to be overweight and near-sighted.
9.The right to show off your geekiness.
10.The right to take over the world.


1.Be a geek, no matter what.
2.Try to be nerdier than anyone else.
3.If there is a discussion about something geeky, you must give your opinion.
4.To save and protect all geeky material.
5.Do everything you can to show off geeky stuff as a "museum of geekiness."
6.Don't be a generalized geek. You must specialize in something.
7.Attend every nerdy movie on opening night and buy every geeky book before anyone else.
8.Wait in line on every opening night. If you can go in costume or at least with a related T-shirt, all the better.
9.Don’t waste your time on anything not related to geekdom.
10.Try to take over the world!

See ya tommorrow
Love KB

Tuesday, 24 May 2011


Wellington airport is funding a 30m long, 8m tall Wellywood sign and hoping to place it on a Wellington hillside. Apparently, to promote Wellington as New Zeland's film industry capital. There has been lots of debate as to whether this project should go ahead. I think it's all a bit silly to copy another city's idea. Surely they can come up with something a little more original. What do you think?

Ta ta for now
Love KB

Monday, 23 May 2011

Friends Are Like Underpants

 Friends are like underpants.... Some crawl up your ass.. Some snap under pressure... Some don't have the strength to hold you up... Some get a little twisted... Some support you......Some are your favourite... Some are cheap and just get bent out of shape... And some actually DO cover your ass when you need them to :-)

Love KB

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Weekend Walkabout - Cockle Bay

Walkabout is a phrase which means to walk around and explore with no specific destination in mind. Have you been walkabout anywhere interesting this week? If so, post your story or pictures to your blog, leave a comment here and a link to your post on our Linky and Whitesnake or KB will come take a look. Don't forget to put a link to Weekend Walkabout so others can find us and join in the fun.

Weekend Walkabout

1. Whitesnake  2. Missy  3. NCSue follows back... with wings  

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See you tomorrow
Love KB

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Coco Meditates

Earlier in the week, I was sitting quietly, eyes closed, in a deep state of meditation. Next minute, I had a Cocker Spaniel in my lap. What a rude awakening.

If you have a pic of pets or animals to share with Coco, post to your blog and leave a link and comment below.

Coco's Animal Antics

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You can see more of Coco's Animal Antics here.

Love KB

P.S. Our recipe today is...Seafood and Pasta Italiana

Friday, 20 May 2011

Flash Fiction Friday

Each Friday I write a short story in exactly 55 words. If you'd like to join in the fun and games, write your story, visit G-Man and let him know you've posted.

She tried to explain why she stayed with this man who was married to another.

‘I know he loves me but not the same way I love him. I’ve accepted it. I would die for him but I’m sure he wouldn’t die for me.’
Ten years later those words would come back to haunt her.

Have a great weekend all.

Love KB

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

There's A Mouse In The House

Well, not really. I saw a wee mouse run into our garage. Where there is one mouse, more will follow. Anyone have a cat I could borrow?

That's all folks!
Love KB

One Shot Wednesday - Sleep

Hi there,

I've shared my poem with One Shot Wednesday. Pay One Shot a visit and share your poetry too.

Sleeping is my hobby

I love a good night's rest

Losing too much of it

Puts me to the test

Sleeping refreshes me

I dream the hours away

If I had the choice

I'd stay in bed all day

Sleeping makes me happy

I awaken with a smile

Knowing you're next to me

Makes everything worthwhile

P.S. Our recipe today over on our joint blog is...Roast Veal

Love KB

Monday, 16 May 2011

I Wanna Be Whitesnake For A Day

At the end of last year, I began taking part in the 30 days of me challenge. I did half of the challenge then decided to start my own challenge...30 days to a happier, healthier me. I've completed my health challenge so I've decided to resume the about me, where I left off. Confused?

day 17- someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why

Whitesnake and I are as close as two people could be but knowing someone is not the same as experiencing what their life is like. I'd love to change places with Whitesnake for a day to find out what it's really like to do his job and live his daily life. At the same time I would discover what it's like being a man for a day. Trouble is, I don't think Whitesnake could be trusted in a woman's body all day. I'm pretty sure I know what he'd be getting up to, he is a man after all, LOL!  
Who would you like to change places with for a day and why?
See you tomorrow
Love KB

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Keeping Up With KB

A strange thing happened last night. Whitesnake and I left the house for about 20 mins. When we returned, there was a smashed egg on our deck. Our house is tucked away so there are only a couple of places it could have been thrown from. I don't have a problem with any of my neighbours (as far as I know). The only thing I can think of is that Coco was barking and someone threw the egg to shut her up. She's usually pretty good though and only barks when we leave and then quiets down. Maybe, it was just kids playing around but it's still a little unnerving. Was it one of you lot? Hehe!

Love KB

Monday, 9 May 2011

Keeping Up With KB

Whitesnake and I had a wonderful weekend but it was over too fast as usual.

We definitely saw our share of reality TV.

I'm glad Jacob has gone. I didn't like his voice or his attitude. My favourite changes every week this season on Idol. Haley was my favourite this week.

NZ Masterchef has only one episode left this year. I'm hoping Jax will win.

Had a wonderful time at Mum's on Mother's Day. Spent the day with my parents and Whitesnake. Whitesnake made his yummy prawn cocktails.

Dad cooked up bacon and eggs on the BBQ...yum!

Today has been a great day so far. I've been for my walk. I'm doing really well with my walking,  a minimum of four times a week, 30 mins each session. I'm so into it now that ifs it's too wet outside, I walk around inside the house (much to Coco's confusion).  I've also done a few bits and pieces around the house and now it's time to make my version of Fish Pie for Dinner.

Hope you're all having a great day/night.

Love KB

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mums out there, especially mine!

The weather has been a nightmare this week so we don't have a walkabout to share with you. Walkabout is a phrase which means to walk around and explore with no specific destination in mind. Have you been walkabout anywhere interesting this week? If so, post your story or pictures to your blog, leave a comment here and a link to your post on our Linky and Whitesnake or KB will come take a look. Don't forget to put a link to Weekend Walkabout so others can find us and join in the fun.

Weekend Walkabout

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See you tomorrow
Love KB

Saturday, 7 May 2011

Coco Helps Make The Bed

Honestly, sometimes Coco reminds me of a little kid, I can't take my eyes off her a minute or she'll be up to some mischief. I turned my back on her for a few minutes while I made the bed and when I turned around, she was lying all over the clean duvet cover.

Oh look, Mum's left me a new bed to sleep on

I wonder if she'll notice me if I turn around

If you have a pic of pets or animals to share with Coco, post to your blog and leave a link and comment below.

Coco's Animal Antics

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You can see more of Coco's Animal Antics here.

Love KB