
Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Teaser Tuesdays ~ Falling For You by Jill Mansell

Teaser Tuesdays is hosted by the lovely MizB of Should Be Reading.

Here's how it works...

Grab your latest read, open it up and share two sentences from the page. Easy as that. Don't forget to link back to MizB and share the title and author of your book so others can add to their TBR (to be read) list if they wish.

Here's my teaser...

If she hadn't been too vain to wear her glasses, she'd have spotted the nail sticking out of the wall, encouraging a clematis to entwine itself around it, and her trousers wouldn't have got disastrously ripped.

Mistake number three had been climbing over a five-foot wall with the help of a sawn-off tree trunk without pausing to wonder if the drop might be greater on the other side, and whether there would be another handily positioned tree trunk to enable her to get back.

Have a great day/night and I'll see you soon.
Happy reading,
Love KB

Monday, 27 June 2011

Do I Hear Wedding Bells?

I'm taking part in the 30 days about me challenge. Here you will learn some interesting and fun things about me.

Here's the 30 day challenge

day 20- someone you see yourself marrying or being with in the future

I'm sure you'll all be shocked at my answer...hehe. Have you noticed how much marriage is coming up in these questions? Do you think someone is trying to tell us something? In answer to some of your previous questions, we won't be tying the knot soon but we'll be sure to let you know when we are.

See you soon
Love KB

Sunday, 26 June 2011

Weekend Walkabout

Welcome to Weekend Walkabout, a place to share and explore the different corners of our world.

I don't have any walkabout pics to share this week because I've been sick but I'd love to see yours.

Walkabout is a phrase which means to walk around and explore with no specific destination in mind. Have you been walkabout anywhere interesting this week? If so, post your story or pictures to your blog, leave a comment here and a link to your post on our Linky and Whitesnake or KB will come take a look. Don't forget to put a link to Weekend Walkabout so others can find us and join in the fun.

Weekend Walkabout

1. Deer Friend  2. Maggie  3. A walk in the garden, with a linky.  

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See you tomorrow
Love KB

Saturday, 25 June 2011

Whitesnake's Chicken Soup

I've been a little under the weather so Whitesnake made me some Chicken Soup. Isn't he wonderful? The recipe is over on our joint blog...Whitesnake's Chicken Soup.

I'm feeling much better now. Must have been the soup and the cuddles :)

See you tomorrow,
Love KB

Friday, 24 June 2011

Friday Feel Good

Here's my contribution to Friday Feel Good, which is hosted by my wonderful man - Whitesnake. Each Friday we will post something that gives us that feel good feeling. Pay Whitesnake a visit if you'd like to join in the fun.

My two favourites sharing snacks, hehe!

See you tomorrow
Love KB

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Nurse Wanted

I'm sick and Whitesnake is at work. He said you would all look after me till he returns home. *waits for chicken soup*

See ya when I'm feeling better.
Love KB

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Teaser Tuesdays ~ Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert

Teaser Tuesdays is hosted by the lovely MizB of Should Be Reading.

Here's how it works...

Grab your latest read, open it up and share two sentences from the page. Easy as that. Don't forget to link back to MizB and share the title and author of your book so others can add to their TBR (to be read) list if they wish.

Here's my teaser...

"Why do we practice Yoga?" he asked again. "Is it so we can become a little bendier than our neighbors?"

Have a great day/night and I'll see you tomorrow.
Happy reading,
Love KB

Monday, 20 June 2011

Keeping Up With KB

Feeling a bit down in the dumps :( Whitensnake has been having a few troubles which I don't want to go into here. We are both remaining as positive as we can be but at the moment I have the attitude ...why do bad things happen to good people? Sometimes I think maybe the bad things I've done in my life are coming back to haunt me. Anyway, now I've had my little moan, I'll dust myself off and get back up and remember that this too shall pass. What do you do when life starts to wear you down?

Righto, now I've got that out of the way, I'll end on a positive note. Our dear friend, Jay came to stay with us for most of the weekend. We ate too much, Whitesnake and I drank enough to make up for Jay not drinking and we had a relaxing time. Loved it!

See you tomorrow for Teaser Tuesday
Love KB

Sunday, 19 June 2011

Weekend Walkabout

Welcome to Weekend Walkabout, a place to share and explore the different corners of our world.

I don't have any walkabout pics to share this week because I've been sick but I'd love to see yours.

Walkabout is a phrase which means to walk around and explore with no specific destination in mind. Have you been walkabout anywhere interesting this week? If so, post your story or pictures to your blog, leave a comment here and a link to your post on our Linky and Whitesnake or KB will come take a look. Don't forget to put a link to Weekend Walkabout so others can find us and join in the fun.

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

See you tomorrow
Love KB

Saturday, 18 June 2011

Simply Delish ~ Cornish Pasty

My post today is over on our joint blog...Simply Delish Cornish Pasty.

Heading out now to pick up some groceries for a special dinner tonight with our friend, Jay. Really looking forward to it.

See you tomorrow for Weekend Walkabout.

Love KB

Friday, 17 June 2011

Do You See What Coco Sees?

If you have a pic of pets or animals to share with Coco, post to your blog and leave a link and comment below.

Coco's Animal Antics

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You can see more of Coco's Animal Antics here.

Have a great weekend
Love KB

Thursday, 16 June 2011

What's In A Name?

I'm taking part in the 30 days about me challenge. Here you will learn some interesting and fun things about me.

Here's the 30 day challenge

day 19- nicknames you have and why you have them

This one is easy, my only nickname is my internet name. I'm crazy and I'm blonde but crazy blonde was already taken when I first needed a log in name. I changed the C to K and there you have it. It may interest you to know that when Whitesnake and I are married my initials will be KB. Meant to be or what?

See you tomorrow for more of Coco's Animal Antics.

Love KB

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This

I'm taking part in the 30 days about me challenge. Here you will learn some interesting and fun things about me.

Here's the 30 day challenge

day 18- plans/dreams/goals you have

My dream is to be married to Whitesnake. We'd live in a small but comfortable house in a little town with Coco. My parents would live close by. We'd have a veggie patch, a garden big enough for Coco and a couple of chickens, a big kitchen to make our Simply Delish meals and a bathtub for me to relax in. Whitesnake and I would spend our days at home together as we'd be making a comfortable living from writing and blogging.  Most importantly, we'd be happy and healthy.

That's all from me for today.
See you tomorrow.
Love KB

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Teaser Tuesdays ~ Into Temptation by Penny Vincenzi

Teaser Tuesdays is hosted by the lovely MizB of Should Be Reading.

Here's how it works...

Grab your latest read, open it up and share two sentences from the page. Easy as that. Don't forget to link back to MizB and share the title and author of your book so others can add to their TBR (to be read) list if they wish.

My teaser is from the same book I was reading last's a HUGE book, hehe! 

And he had turned his back on her so absolutely, torn her out of his life with a ruthlessnes which was so thorough, so final, that he might as well have died, for all she had left of him. It was truly hardly to be borne.

Have a great day/night and I'll see you tomorrow.
Happy reading,
Love KB

Monday, 13 June 2011

My Feng Shui Colour Is Blue Which Just Happens To Be My Favourite Colour


Your Color is Blue

You are a calm and content person. You find that the key to life is easy... just be yourself!

You believe in the importance of letting go. You release your anxieties and welcome renewal.

You are a generous person, and you look for the best of people. You promote peace and trust.

You value intellect and experience. Unlike most people, you truly respect your elders.

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Weekend Walkabout

Welcome to Weekend Walkabout, a place to share and explore the different corners of our world.

This week we didn't do much walking but we did visit a local coffee shop. Whitesnake didn't see anything on the menu that he liked so I bought a yummy treat and we headed off home.

Walkabout is a phrase which means to walk around and explore with no specific destination in mind. Have you been walkabout anywhere interesting this week? If so, post your story or pictures to your blog, leave a comment here and a link to your post on our Linky and Whitesnake or KB will come take a look. Don't forget to put a link to Weekend Walkabout so others can find us and join in the fun.

Weekend Walkabout

1. Rain, Rain  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

See you tomorrow
Love KB

Saturday, 11 June 2011

Coco's Animal Antics

I gave Coco a trim the other day and I think she's feeling the chill a bit. Could she get any closer to the heater?

If you have a pic of pets or animals to share with Coco, post to your blog and leave a link and comment below.

Coco's Animal Antics

1. Coco likes Ice  

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You can see more of Coco's Animal Antics here.

Our recipe today on our joint blog is...Simply Delish Prawn Cocktail.

Have a great weekend
Love KB

Friday, 10 June 2011

Flash Fiction Friday - When The Going Gets Tough

Each Friday I write a short story in exactly 55 words. If you'd like to join in the fun and games, write your story, visit G-Man and let him know you've posted.

Jim was hard working and a joy to be around. His boss saw things differently, constantly putting Jim down and watching his every move. Didn’t he realize there was more to life than work? When it got too much, Jim would look to the future and his new life. He would have the last laugh.

Have a great weekend all. See you tomorrow for Coco's Animal Antics and Simply Delish.

Love KB

Thursday, 9 June 2011

Something Dangerous ~ Penny Vincenzi

One of my goals this year is to read more books. You can read my reviews and learn where you can purchase any of the books I've read this year here...KB's Bookshelf.

Here's a bit of the blurb from the back cover...

It is 1928: the dizzy twenties are passing into the glamorous thirties, and the misery and horror of the First World War are far behind. But, as the twins move into adult life, against their glittering socail background the spectre of Nazi Germany, wearing its terrifyingly seductive face of success and prosperity, is growing. Gradually the twins' lives darken un unimaginable ways: Venitia finds herself humiliated and rejected in what promised to be a brilliant mariiaged; Adele is trapped in war- torn Paris with two tiny children. Then and only then do they find their own worth and what they are truly capable of.

KB's Comments

This is the second book in a series of three. The characters are strong and the plot interesting. I love a girlie book which is set in past times. I find learning more about history through a novel much more interesting than reading a history book on the topic. I'm already over half way through the next book and it's fab.

Are you reading anything interesting besides my blog?

See you tomorrow for Coco's Animal Antics
Love KB

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Turn Off That Tap

I'm a member of Each day I receive an email suggesting a way to improve my physical/mental/enviromental health. I'd like to share today's challenge with you.

Turn off the tap while you brush your teeth.

How To Do It

After you wet your toothbrush, turn off the water. Leave it off until you are finished brushing and ready to rinse.

Why It Matters

Saving water helps to maintain water supplies at safe levels. Lower water levels can contribute to higher concentrations of human and natural pollutants, which can put our health and the health of the environment at risk. Turning off the tap also saves an enormous amount of energy that's expended in treating the water and delivering it to your home. Leaving the tap running for five minutes uses roughly the same amount of energy as running a 60-watt light bulb for 14 hours. Plus, saving water means saving money - and every little bit helps!

Fun Fact

The first toothbrush dates back to 3000 BC. It was a thin twig with a frayed edge that would be rubbed against the teeth.

KB's Challenge

I already do this to save a little water. Didn't really think about the fact I was saving power too so I'll continue turning off the tap.

See you tomorrow
Love KB

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Teaser Tuesdays ~ Into Temptation by Penny Vincenzi

Teaser Tuesdays is hosted by the lovely MizB of Should Be Reading.

Here's how it works...

Grab your latest read, open it up and share two sentences from the page. Easy as that. Don't forget to link back to MizB and share the title and author of your book so other's can add to their TBR (to be read) list if they wish.

Here's my teaser: 

He looked so genuinely wretched, so nervous that she was quite shocked. And suddenly she saw herself through his eyes, as a rich and very spoilt woman, wielding considerable power, both domestically and professionally, a woman not unlike Celia, in fact; she had become exactly the person she would once havc wanted not to be, and so shocked was she by this perception of herself, that her eyes filled with tears.

Have a great day/night and I'll see you tomorrow.
Happy reading,
Love KB

Monday, 6 June 2011

Weekend Walkabout - Mellons Bay

Welcome to Weekend Walkabout, a place to share and explore the different corners of our world.

We've been having terrible weather recently but yesterday was beautiful. We headed out to a beach we've been to before but never with Coco. It's a beach which has a section specially for dogs off the leash. She was soooo happy to run around. We dropped her off at home afterwards for a sleep and headed to the pub for lunch. What a lovely day.

Walkabout is a phrase which means to walk around and explore with no specific destination in mind. Have you been walkabout anywhere interesting this week? If so, post your story or pictures to your blog, leave a comment here and a link to your post on our Linky and Whitesnake or KB will come take a look. Don't forget to put a link to Weekend Walkabout so others can find us and join in the fun.

Weekend Walkabout

1. Sherron  2. NCSue shoots again  

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See you tomorrow for Teaser Tuesdays
Love KB

Saturday, 4 June 2011

Just A Quickie

Luckily, Whitesnake and I managed to get out and do our grocery shopping before the bad weather came. It's pouring with rain, Whitesnake is watching telly, Coco is sulking because she can't go outside but otherwise all is well. It's a perfect day to stay inside and chill. I just popped on here to let you know our recipe for today is...Pasta and Bean Salad. Righto, now I'm heading off to watch some telly.

Have a great day/night.
See you tomorrow for Walkabout.
Love KB