
Tuesday 9 November 2010

30 Days To A Happier, Healthier Me

These past few days have been a little rough for me due to a huge panic attack I had. You can read more about my panic attack here. I'm feeling much better today thanks to some excellent work books (The It Series), some me time and the support of my darling Whitesnake.

I've been enjoying taking part in the 30 days of me challenge and although I am still working on the challenge, I've decided to go off on a bit of a tangent (as is my way) and start my own challenge - 30 Days To A Happier, Healthier Me. This will help me get back on track health wise which will in turn help me overcome my anxieties. I've given myself a rough idea of how I will go about this but I've also allowed myself the flexibility to change this and go with the flow. One of the reasons I have had problems in the past is because I like to make a plan, stick to it and beat myself up if I don't stick to it...not good for me in the long run. I've also given myself permission to not have to move onto the next challenge until I am ready to (so it will most likely take me longer than 30 days). I can feel myself relaxing already!

So here's my plan of action:

1.    know my numbers

2.    reduce alcohol intake

3.    30 minute walk

4.    5+ per day

5.    try a new recipe

6.    go walkabout
7.    walk 2x this week

8.    treat myself to a beauty treatment

9.    read

10.  eat a healthy breakfast

11.  cut down on caffeine

12.  get enough sleep

13.  challenge my brain

14.  walk 3x this week

15   date night/day

16   get my hands dirty

17   have a me day

18.  gratitude journal

19.  take a multivitamin daily

20   don't eat 3 hrs before bedtime

21   protect my skin with sunscreen every day

22   remove makeup before bed every day

23   floss

24   wear perfume

25   walk x4 this week

26   drink more herbal tea

27   relaxation techniques

28   increase calcium intake

29   mc twice a week

30   review

Feel free to join in with me if you like, your feedback and support would be great too. I'm still going to work on the 30 days of me challenge, when I have time but my own challenge is more important at the moment.

See you tomorrow
Love KB


  1. KB: You seem to be doing all the right things. It might be as simple as you just are not looking at yourself the way we all see you. You appear to be and sound wonderful. I wish you only the best. I am sure you will soon be happier and healthier. Great plan!

  2. wow... you have a lot on your plate (no pun intended) but you seem very determined. good luck!

  3. As always your LOVE and Support man will be there with you.
    Love you babe and very proud of you XXXX

  4. JJ - thank you so much for your kind words.

    Missy - sounds like a good plan x

    SY - I am doing most of it already but I want to be more consistant.

    WS - couldn't do it without you babe xxxx
