Does this happen to you? I've had so many ideas for posts going round and round in my head for about a week now. They are little odds and ends which don't justify a post of their own but I need to clear space in my head, LOL. Well, I know what I mean. Write it down and move on. So I'm gonna ramble away today. Maybe I'll start doing a weekly ramble.
It's not the tragedies that kill us, it's the messes.
-Dorothy Parker
I heard the quote below on telly last night and thought it was appropriate for what I intended to write about today. Funny how that happens isn't it?
Love all, trust few, do wrong to no one.
Over 10,000 hits and 250 posts in just over a year. I can receive anything between 2 and 20 comments per post....hmmm, you do the math. I knew many of the hits were mine but as the number began to creep up, I was curious as to who was visiting and how they arrived at my wee blog.
Let me give you a little background info before I continue. A few years ago, one of our fellow bloggers and I were - I think the expression is - cyber stalked, by the same person. Wasn't too serious for me, I think it was mainly backlash from me trying to protect my friend. But it was still an eye-opener...being followed around online, nasty emails, that kind of thing. Anyway, it was all sorted and it's made me a lot more aware of the signs to look for so these things don't get out of hand. With me so far?
Which brings me back to being curious about my blog visitors. I decided to install one of those blog tracking gizmos recently, which provided me with some interesting results. After a bit of research, I discovered there's someone in particular *waves* who visits me, often twice a day, which isn't unusual in itself but this person hasn't commented for months and last time I heard, they didn't even like me very much, LOL. I'm pretty sure they don't visit me to read my posts. Sounds mysterious I know but I don't want to go into too much detail. It kinda gives me the creeps.
Which brings me to my next point. I see blogger has a new, follower function (which I think is cool)but when does following (for want of a better word) become stalking? I do it myself, there are some blogs I read every day but don't always comment on. Sometimes there's nothing I have to say on the topic. I have a list of my favourite blogs so I can see when a friend has posted. I know hubby reads my blog every day but doesn't comment often. He prefers to verbally comment *giggles*. This is all perfectly normal as far as I can see but when does it cross the line?
I talked to hubby about it a while back and he thinks I am being overly sensitive and a little paranoid. He reminds me there are many strange people out there (I'm pretty sure he puts me in this catergory) and when you spend a significant amount of time out and about on the net, you are bound to encounter them once in a while.
I'm not overly concerned, in this case, I just don't like it, LOL. If I hadn't installed the gizmo, I wouldn't have know about it, perhaps my own paranoia is to blame.
Anyway, I'm going to remove the tracker cause it makes me feel a bit stalkerish (is that a word?)myself. When I read back what I had written here, I noticed I stated I didn't like it when someone was checking up on my whereabouts but isn't that what I am doing by having the tracker on my blog? Treat others as you would like to be treated Karen and all that.
Oh lookey, turned out to be a long ramble after all. Any thoughts?
I've removed ads from my blog too. Adsense is supposed to incorporate ads which are relevant to the blog. How...FIND ASIAN GIRLS FOR relevant to my blog is beyond me. Perhaps it's for one of my readers...*wink*
You've heard the expression....Happy as Larry..? Who the hell is Larry and why is he so happy?
If you've made it this far - here's a big hug for ya.
((((((((((((((((((((((((BLOG BUDDIES)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
I love you all, I trust a few of you and as far as I know...when I've done wrong, I've applogised for it. Man, I likey that quote.